Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Blech, so not in the mood.


I saw my therapist yesterday, which is always a damn good thing.

I’m so so so uber excited about my trip to Portland! Only a week and a half to go! It’s been awhile since I’ve looked forward to something. Hell, that something might have been the last time Ashley flew me up to Oregon!


  1. Excitingggg. The likelihood that I'll see you on the street is slim. BUT, if I do you'll hear a shrill scream in the distance.

    -Longtime reader (back from the original Diaryland blog days), Shelby

  2. I'm glad you have this trip to look forward to...what did your therapist think about your moving decision?

  3. Hey! You've got my cats there! How did you manage to catnap them without me noticing?

